3Dmodelshare is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing royalty-free HD photos and 3dsmax files, high-quality 3ds files, that are free to download. All contents are released under the 3Dmodelshare License, which makes them safe to use without attribution – even for commercial purposes.
To upload photos, and 3dsmax files, high-quality 3ds files…, you need to be a registered user on 3Dmodelshare first. If you are not yet registered, you can sign up here. Once you have signed up you can upload any media by clicking the “upload” button in the top right corner of the page.
You can copy, modify, distribute, and use the 3Dmodelshare’s royalty-free stock photos, and 3dsmax files, high-quality 3ds files… for commercial purposes. However, depicted content may still be protected by trademarks, publicity or privacy rights. Learn more about the 3Dmodelshare license.
3Dmodelshare photos, 3dsmax files, high-quality 3ds files are free to use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. However, depicted content may still be protected by trademarks, publicity or privacy rights. While no payment is needed to use the media, it is always appreciated when you credit the contributor as it provides exposure to their work and encourages them to continue sharing. While not required, we also allow users to make donations to contributors. Find out how below under Downloads and Donations.
To download any media (stock photos, illustrations, videos, music, animated GIFs, vectors and sound effects), go to the specific media page of the content that you want to download, then click the ‘Free Download’ button. Choose the size and click ‘Download’. You will need to sign up to download full resolution photos and videos, you can sign up here.
Yes. When you download 3Dmodelshare content, you can use it in its original form (i.e., without altering it). The only exceptions are:
– Don’t sell copies of content without meaningful alterations e.g. don’t sell an exact copy of a stock photo as posters, prints, greeting cards, mugs, t-shirts or other similar items of merchandise .
– Don’t redistribute or sell 3Dmodelshare as digital content or as digital wallpapers (such as on stock media websites or as NFTs)
You can find more details in our license.
The golden rule of thumb is to consider whether the product you are creating effectively amounts to reselling the original image and whether a reasonable person on the street would look side-by-side at the original image and your product and consider them to be identical (or effectively identical).
If you’ve made some creative effort to incorporate a photo into a broader design, this should generally be sufficient (see examples in the next question below). Applying a filter over a photo, minor cropping, or simply changing some colours will generally not be enough.
– Adding the photo to a video montage.
– Incorporation into a greater work (e.g. adding it to a book, app, game).
– Adding the photo to any work where the reason someone would buy it is because of what you have made, rather than the image.
Digitally printing images onto a canvas or wallpaper for sale is not allowed if there were no significant changes made to the image(s).
Yes, you can use the images in any way you want for personal use.
Yes – but only if they are significantly altered, as mentioned above.
Yes, you can use 3Dmodelshare images for your logo. However, you cannot claim ownership of any images on 3Dmodelshare, which means you cannot register your logo as a trademark. Kindly check our Terms of Service for further information.
We suggest removing things like logos, trademarks or any other features that may identify a particular brand, as those items are likely to be trademarked or protected in some way, and reproduction of those marks (especially in a commercial way) may result in legal implications.
Yes, in this case you are incorporating the media into a greater work. People would buy the book for the book itself (reading it) and not for the media you are using.
It is best to contact the artist and inquire about a model release if a person is recognisable.
Please note that the patent or trademark rights of any person are not affected by our license, so we encourage our users to always check whether they have all rights to use such content.
You are not allowed to upload media that have signatures, watermarks or are advertisement. This can be considered spamming and might lead to the closure of your account. You can also check our blog regarding upload guidelines for more information.
3Dmodelshare is a free photo, illustration, video and music sharing website powered by our generous community of photographers, videographers, illustrators and musicians. While not required, users can make donations to artists to thank them for their contributions. Find out how under Downloads & Donations.
Uploads are declined if they do not meet our quality guidelines.
It usually takes a few minutes for new media to show up in your profile. In rare cases, it may take a few days. If many uploads are missing, please check our forum (https://3dmodelshare.org/forum/) for any outages or contact us.
An upload that is marked as “Published” only appears in your profile.
An upload that is marked as “Featured” appears in your profile and additionally also shows up in the 3Dmodelshare search.
On the media page, hover over the media and you will see a flag at the top right corner. Click the flag icon to report a violation.
We update play numbers once a day, so it will take up to 24 hours for you to see changes. Please create a post here if you are still having issues after 24 hours.
Yes, you can use 3Dmodelshare (stock photos, 3dsmax files, high-quality 3ds files…) on social media platforms.
You can donate by clicking the “Donate” button right after downloading any kind of media. Alternatively, you can donate by going to the user’s profile and by clicking the green ‘Coffee’ button alongside the ‘Message’ and ‘Follow’ buttons on the top right part of their profile page.
Currently, artists can only receive donations through PayPal. Please indicate your PayPal email address or Merchant ID through the settings page. The Merchant ID is a 13 digit code, which can be found on your PayPal account’s settings page.
We only accept PayPal for donations to users.
You can use any of the options on this page for donations to 3Dmodelshare.
Within ten (10) days of upload, you can delete the upload(s) by clicking the little (x) icon on the top right part of the media on the My Media page. You must be logged in to be able to do this. Otherwise, please contact us to proceed.
A link for this purpose is given on the settings page of your account.
How much content can I download?
- For free members (DAY PLAN), you can only download 10-3ds files per day.
- For week members (WEEK PLAN), you can only download 50-3ds files per day.
- For month members (MONTH PLAN), you can only download 120-3ds files per day.
- For annual members (ANNUAL PLAN), you can only download 220-3ds files per day.
How can I avoid seeing adult content?
Whilst you won’t find any strong violence and/or highly explicit content on 3Dmodelshare, we do accept nude photography and other visual content that might be considered offensive to some users. In order to filter out these search results, you can make use of our SafeSearch filter